quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2016

Salada de polvo com camarão/Octopus salad with shrimp

Doses: 4
Tempo de confecção: 20 minutos
Grau de dificuldade (de 1 a 3): 1

1 kg de polvo cozido
800 g de camarão cozido
2 cebolas grandes
2 pimentos
2 tomates
Azeite q.b.
Vinagre q.b.
Sal q.b.
Salsa q.b.
Gindungo q.b. (ou outro picante)

Corte o polvo em pedaços pequenos, descasque o camarão, pique as cebolas, corte os pimentos e os tomates em pedaços pequenos.
Junte tudo num recipiente.
Tempere com azeite, vinagre, sal, e polvilhe com salsa picada e gindungo moído.

Deixe no frigorífico algum tempo antes de servir.

Octopus salad with shrimp

Doses: 4
Time: 20 minutes
Level of difficulty (from 1 to 3): 1


1 kg cooked powder
800 g cooked shrimp
2 large onions
2 peppers
2 tomatoes
Olive oil (as needed)
 Vinegar (as needed)
 Salt (as needed)
 Salsa (as needed)
 Gindungo (as needed) (Or other spicy)

Cut the octopus into small pieces, peel the shrimp, chop the onions, cut the peppers and tomatoes into small pieces.
Put everything in a container.
Season with olive oil, vinegar, salt, and sprinkle with chopped parsley and ground
Leave it in the refrigerator for some time before serving.

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