terça-feira, 28 de março de 2017

Ovos cremosos mexidos com salsichas / Creamy scrambled eggs with sausage

Com o inicio da Primavera, a minha capoeira começa a ter fartura de ovos.(de galinha, pata e gança)
Vou aproveitar esta fartura de ovos, para vos aqui deixar algumas sugestões relacionadas a esta proteína riquíssima que muitas vezes é esquecida como um produto alimentar de segunda classe.

Ovos cremosos mexidos com salsichas

3 ovos
4 salsichas (pode substituir por fiambre , bacon etc.) 
Meia chávena (chá) de leite
Queijo q.b. (ralado ou cortado em cubos)
Azeite q.b.
Salsa picada q.b.
Sal q.b.

Frite as salsichas numa frigideira com um fio de azeite ou óleo. Cozinhe em lume brando até alourar. Retire da frigideira, escorra, pique em pedaços pequenos e reserve.
Enquanto as salsichas estão cozinhando bata os ovos com o leite numa tigela.
Verta os ovos na frigideira e vá mexendo. Tempere com sal. Adicione o queijo, continue a mexer, e cozinhe até que os ovos fiquem consistentes. Envolva as salsichas, polvilhe com salsa e sirva de imediato.

With the beginning of spring, my poultry has a great abundance of eggs.( hen eggs, eggs from ducks and geese)

I’m going to seize this chance, to let you a few suggestions on how to use this rich protein, often forgotten and placed as a second class food.

Creamy scrambled eggs with sausage

3 eggs
4 sausages (you can replace it by ham , bacon, and so on)
Half a cup (of tea) of milk
Cheese as needed (grated or chopped in cubes)
Olive oil (as needed).
Chopped parsley (as needed)
Salt (as needed)

Fry the sausages in a frying pan with a bit of olive oil. Cook over medium heat until golden. Remove from skillet with slotted spoon and let drain on paper towels, cut it into little pieces and deserve.
While the sausages are cooking you can beat the eggs with the milk in a bowl . Pour the eggs in the frying pan, stirring constantly. Season with salt. Add the cheese, always stirring, and cook until the eggs become consistent. Involve the sausages, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve it immediately.

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